Purveyors of the finest local and domestic cheeses since 1933
Purveyors of the finest local and domestic cheeses since 1933
Purveyors of the finest local and domestic cheeses since 1933
Purveyors of the finest local and domestic cheeses since 1933
From the Heart of Lancaster County
Supplying the finest local and domestic cheese to groceries, delicatessens, farm markets, and restaurants.
Exclusively Wholesale
In addition to our own line of Swiss, Longhorn, Cheddar, Provolone, American, and other cheeses, we also handle a wide selection of fine domestic brands and imported cheeses.
TEL: 717-354-4424
See how we started making Swiss Cheese.
Over the years, some of the technology has changed, and much of the processing is now being done closer to the dairy farms in Amish country in Ohio, but just one bite, and you'll savor the same great taste of Lancaster County Natural Swiss Cheese that Amish and Mennonite farmers first made in 1933.
Our plant and office is midway between Intercourse and New Holland, PA